.Posted in Today's thought
You can’t change the whole world, and you certainly can’t change other people, but you do have the ability to change yourself. You can have a positive impact in your job, the people with whom you work, and the entire organization…the choice is up to you. –Cherie CarterScott ..
Bernadette Coleman
.Posted in Today's thought
Thanks Randy! I'd like to repost this in the shoutbox...Randy Profeta [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]Trymunity followers:I came across this quote and had to share it with you."Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” --Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)That pretty much sums it up. Never underestimate or doubt yourselves.Randy
Thanks Marty. Would you froward the article to me too? info@trymunity.commarty salo [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]Donna, to make things a little bit easier to follow, it's generally better if you include the quoted text in between the bracketed quote and end quote. place your comments, after the slashquote. But hey, I can follow anyway. A friend of the family has a place in Hudson. There are several trailer parks down in Tampa. Multiple Sclerosis is sad when it gets closer to the end. I'm aware of a few people with MS. People do die. But I think helping them to feel involved is important while we are here. I'm not involved too much with OT, but I did forward a small article on various styluses to a few of the therapists at the hospital. Also, I may have done a bit to help spur the incorporation of some computers for some patients to use. Maybe I've been an advocate for and example of what is possible. It's kind of sad that I am held up as an example, but I'm happy that I've made it as far as I have, and done as well.I'd like to think that there's nothing particularly special about me, I just keep putting one foot in front of another.
Mike Black [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]I've had a TBI. since May 21,2011 but I'm getting through this alot better than I though I would! I thank god for not taking me. Everyone that cared about me is glad I'm still here!You are doing great! We lo e you.
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
a great news for all gamers who do not have access to laptops or PC. I am glad that some one like agricultural essay topics has forced this company to launch such kind of mobile. I hope people will appreciate this.
.Posted in Need Advise
Hi, Tara...I know this thread is old AND this is the reason why I joined this group. I'm curious how things have panned out. I am currently in the same situation with my sister in law and she has gotten physical with me two times in the last week. Thanks in advance for sharing what you ended up doing, how your sisters is doing now and any advice you might send my way.
.Posted in Need Advise
I've never had rage incidents personally and like the gentleman before me said when I have acted like a asshole to people I immediately regret it and apologize to people. As Mike said I was actually put on anti depressants before I ever had any outbursts just because I felt so different emotionally after my TBI, I needed somethings to balance me out. My pyschriatist immediately put me on a mood stabilizer and when I continued to have emotional issues after that he put me on a normal anti depressant. I still have a habit of reacting to people and what they say before thinking logically. I can say that over the course of almost 4 years I've learned to control myself alot better but occasionally I do get upset more then id like. Sadly that's just a part of having frontal lobe damage from what I understand. I've never went off on anyone though, I've never felt the need to rage on someone. Honestly if she has had these issues from day one of her TBI I'm very suprised that know doctor has told you or her she needs pyschriatric medications. Typically, when a neuro doctor knows the extent of your brain injury they immediately warn you of the risks of aggression and outbursts your describing. Frontal lobe damage from my reading typically always causes the survivor to have emotional issues of some extent. As the gentleman before me said, going to the gym works for him as a outlet. For others like myself and Mike we rely on medications. Every TBI is different, every survivor had their own personality before the TBI. At the point that she will not even listen and hear how she is acting I believe she will need a combination of several different treatments to help her with this, and even then it won't go away instantly. She needs a pyschriatirist, a therapist, and potentially maybe multiple medications. She could have any number of issues but I guarantee you it's not her diet. It's her TBI. The fact that she is unable to recognize this behavior is wrong is not a good sign.
.Posted in Need Advise
Salut, Tara Although I am aware that this thread is old, it served as my inspiration for joining this community. I want to know how everything worked out. We are still in the same situation with my sister-in-law, and she has touched me physically twice in the last week. Tell me what you did, how your sister is doing now, and any advice you could have for me.
Kristi Bains
.Posted in Need Advise
We have struggled in this area. What helped the most, is learning how to treat someone with dementia. It’s not EXACTLY the same, but enough that it turned our situation totally around. It was getting so difficult to communicate that I found myself as frustrated as my brain injured son. I can do better, he couldn’t….until I did. search online, I found them on YouTube Teepa Snow Careblazers
Kristi Bains
.Posted in Need Advise
I would bet this is the primary reason many folks with brain injuries end up in our prisons.
Kristi Bains
.Posted in Job situation in limbo
Hello Danny, my son is still struggling, 15 years later. A 4-wheeler accident at 17. I don’t have much advice except what tends to help my son lately is hope, reimagining his life. He was young, but very talented in writing, music and art. A lot of it came back after about 5 years, and was even better than before. He had another wreck at 27, cervical neck sprain….that changed everything to even worse. He is now practicing a new art, tattooing. I think it’s good that it’s not something he ever tried before, but related to his past interests, because he can’t compare it to how well he did it before. I don’t know if it will ever come to actual income, but just spending time doing it and dreaming, envisioning the possibility has helped (with counseling). He rejected counseling until 6 months ago. It really is helpful. It can be very depressing. Glad you reached out. I’m new here, wish I could have found a TBI only community right after 1st wreck. I think things would have went a little better with (easier accessible) support. Best wishes!