Randy Profeta
.Posted in Today's thought
Trymunity followers: I came across this quote and had to share it with you. "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” --Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne) That pretty much sums it up. Never underestimate or doubt yourselves. Randy
Randy Profeta
.Posted in Today's thought
Courage:“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.” ― Mary Anne Radmacher
Bernadette Coleman [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]This is a place to post information to share on Traumatic Brain Injury.My TBI occurred on April 13, 1996. That evening was my Junior/Senior prom night. I went to a near by town to pick up my prom date who was a Senior, while I was a Junior in high school.After I picked her up for the dance, we went back to and went to mass before the dance. After mass, we had our picture made, than we were free for an hour or so. So, we we went for a drive until the dance started. It didn't turn out the way I planned. My date and I were doing a drag on the street when it happened. I was in a Toyota Turcell when a suburban hit me on the driver's side. My head, face, neck, ribs, collar bone & hip was all broken at once. Believe it or not, I'm doing just fine. Only one problem, my left arm shakes when I'm nervous or exhausted. Mike
Michael Black
.Posted in Need Advise
Hello Tara, I read your question asking for help for your sister. I had episodes of rage a few times! I went to a councilor and talked about what was bothering me, and took antidepressants, that helped. I would see a councilor and ask about Antidepressants for your sister. (Mike Black-Founder)
I've had a TBI. since May 21,2011 but I'm getting through this alot better than I though I would! I thank god for not taking me. Everyone that cared about me is glad I'm still here!
We aren't alone their are others out there just like us with the same issues. I swear I've had all the side effects of a TBI from forgetfulness to the mood swings. I've been so bad at times that my bf x2 has about left me or put me in a home cause he couldn'tstand me aanymore. What do I mean by "bf x2, well it means he is my boyfriend & best friend in my whole world I love him more than anything that I would do anything to make him happy, including by leaving at whatever it costs. Wheather I take or god takes my life. I was so devastated that I almost did. My bf x2 saved my life.
marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
1981, car / bicycle collision. Coma 53 days. I want people to recover. I think we can introduce more injured people to computer mediated communications technologies, and I think the outcomes will generally be positive from providing additional ways to interact with and be part of this connected world. I was 11 years old. Recovery was a longer process. I was airlifted to Norfolk General. I think I had the distinction of being one of the first airlift medical transport patients.
marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
Donna Donzella [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]Do you mind if I ask what happened to you?I don't mind at all. A bike car collision near Norfolk Virginia. One of the first "Medivac" Helicopter transports to Norfolk General. I suppose that according to my parents, the Neurosurgeon stated that I'd be lucky to make it beyond a persistent vegetative state. That they might want to consider placing me into a "home." I was transferred out of Norfolk General to King's Daughter's Children's Rehab Hospital, then back home on Ocean View Avenue. I had a supportive catholic school infrastructure for a few years, and then moved back to Florida, then progressed through "standard" mainstream classes and such. I graduated High School with age group based peers, attended 2 year Community College, attended Florida State University.Back in the early '80s, I got my first real computer, an apple IIc, with a 300 baud Modem, I was in love with the freedom that being able to communicate via asychronous methods represented--a chance to express ideas more fully through written english without people developing the glazed over look in their eyes, as they impatiently wait for me to finish expressing more complete thoughts.That may be part of why I feel so passionate about trying to bring some of the magic of computer mediated communications to others.Since that time, I've had a few different computer systems. Mostly windows based systems. I work with windows based systems. It is kind of interesting to aim ever higher in the little part of the healthcare system that is the VA hospital. It is neat to have aspirations and dreams of how things could be a bit better if I had a position of greater influence, but perhaps my current position is enough. It would be nice if I could help guide an increased use of computer mediated communications systems, but things are good enough right now.I enjoyed the reading of interactions between others, in addition to the opportunity to express my own ideas.