.Posted in Need Advise
Hi I have been reading these posts. I’m in the same situation with my brother. He has yet to get physically violent but will become extremely irate, use filthy language, scream until he’s can barely speak. He has one by one verbally attacked my 17 year old daughter, my 13 year old daughter, my 18 year old niece, myself and my mother. He was on antipsychotic meds, antidepressant meds, but he now refuses to take them and has become an alcoholic on top of it. My family is at a loss of what to do for him. We are afraid he’s going to eventually hurt himself or someone else.
.Posted in Need Advise
Hello, Tara I am aware that this thread is old, but it is also the reason that I joined this community. I'm interested to see how things turned out. She has touched me physically twice in the past week while we are still in the same predicament with my sister-in-law. Please let me know what you ended up doing, how your sister is doing these days, and any advise you could have for me.
.Posted in Need Advise
Salut, Tara Although I am aware that this thread is old, it served as my inspiration for joining this community. I want to know how everything worked out. We are still in the same situation with my sister-in-law, and she has touched me physically twice in the last week. Tell me what you did, how your sister is doing now, and any advice you could have for me.
Kristi Bains
.Posted in Need Advise
We have struggled in this area. What helped the most, is learning how to treat someone with dementia. It’s not EXACTLY the same, but enough that it turned our situation totally around. It was getting so difficult to communicate that I found myself as frustrated as my brain injured son. I can do better, he couldn’t….until I did. search online, I found them on YouTube Teepa Snow Careblazers
Kristi Bains
.Posted in Need Advise
I would bet this is the primary reason many folks with brain injuries end up in our prisons.
Kristi Bains
.Posted in Need Advise
One last thing… meds, particularly Gabapentin, in my sons case, was too much for his system, causing way more anger/frustration and when some vitamins like b12 were taken, or, coffee, etc., it sent him into crisis that looked like PTSD, but was physical. He wouldn’t agree with me, but they don’t prescribe to older population, especially women or those with kidney problems for that very reason.
A video has been posted in [Videos]. It shows a three-year-old with acquired brain injury at birth diagnosed as Atonic Cerebral Palsy, non-verbal, mentally delayed, etc. He gradually improves muscle strength, starts speaking, and in six weeks of treatment starts walking by himself. This new treatment is without medications or drugs, non-invasive, no change in diet and no special drinks. Improvements were video recorded, noticeable within the first ten sessions of the Individually Tailored Therapeutic Massage Protocol.
We aren't alone their are others out there just like us with the same issues. I swear I've had all the side effects of a TBI from forgetfulness to the mood swings. I've been so bad at times that my bf x2 has about left me or put me in a home cause he couldn'tstand me aanymore. What do I mean by "bf x2, well it means he is my boyfriend & best friend in my whole world I love him more than anything that I would do anything to make him happy, including by leaving at whatever it costs. Wheather I take or god takes my life. I was so devastated that I almost did. My bf x2 saved my life.