marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
One of the big elements to recovery is to continue showing up at events, and interacting with others, you won't get back to where you were, but you can go further. It requires taking a different path. Some of the previous roads may be closed for now.
marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
+Arlen Meyers, MD +Bernadette Coleman -- Hello, I am a traumatic brain injury survivor (30 + years ago). I realize that computer mediated communications have progressed a lot. It would be neat if there could be a more systematic, organized effort to provide some training to some patients who could benefit from such interaction, at least to my way of thinking.I achieved a Master's degree in library and information sciences. I recognize that recovery from/adaptation to TBI is a long process. There are many things which need to happen first, but I still think it would be neat if there were more computer skills training with an emphasis on computer mediated communication which could be folded into some life skills training.
marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
Yes, Donna, I did get my Mater's Degree through some interaction with my State department of Vocational Rehabilitation. I think it's a win-win, because they (VR counselors) want to help place disabled individuals into jobs which they can do (as I understand things). For me, I guess education was a relatively easy path. I enjoyed attending classes. I started wanting to major in English with an emphasis in writing, I wanted to be a syndicated columnist, I think it would be awesome, but that didn't really happen, I changed majors after coming to the realization that I'd need to read James Joyce, and other big classic works. My reading speed was slow. I changed my major to religious studies, but I made clear to the VR counselor that I really wanted to get my Master's Degree in Library Sciences. My VR counselor said that it was out of the ordinary, but she would try to secure funding for tuition and books through my Master's Degree. I started as a librarian at a VA Hospital right out of University. It was a temporary position, but I was offered a full time permanent job working with computers because I was helping the library move forward with some technology initiatives, and I brought enthusiasm for the internet and computer mediated communications along with me. The federal Government has been a good employer.
marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
Donna Donzella [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]Do you mind if I ask what happened to you?I don't mind at all. A bike car collision near Norfolk Virginia. One of the first "Medivac" Helicopter transports to Norfolk General. I suppose that according to my parents, the Neurosurgeon stated that I'd be lucky to make it beyond a persistent vegetative state. That they might want to consider placing me into a "home." I was transferred out of Norfolk General to King's Daughter's Children's Rehab Hospital, then back home on Ocean View Avenue. I had a supportive catholic school infrastructure for a few years, and then moved back to Florida, then progressed through "standard" mainstream classes and such. I graduated High School with age group based peers, attended 2 year Community College, attended Florida State University.Back in the early '80s, I got my first real computer, an apple IIc, with a 300 baud Modem, I was in love with the freedom that being able to communicate via asychronous methods represented--a chance to express ideas more fully through written english without people developing the glazed over look in their eyes, as they impatiently wait for me to finish expressing more complete thoughts.That may be part of why I feel so passionate about trying to bring some of the magic of computer mediated communications to others.Since that time, I've had a few different computer systems. Mostly windows based systems. I work with windows based systems. It is kind of interesting to aim ever higher in the little part of the healthcare system that is the VA hospital. It is neat to have aspirations and dreams of how things could be a bit better if I had a position of greater influence, but perhaps my current position is enough. It would be nice if I could help guide an increased use of computer mediated communications systems, but things are good enough right now.I enjoyed the reading of interactions between others, in addition to the opportunity to express my own ideas.
marty salo
.Posted in TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
Donna Donzella [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]Sounds quite interesting. Do you still live in Virginia?No, I live in Tampa, Florida. I'm happily married. My wife drives, I don't. We've been on a few vacations. A few road trip types of vacations. We've stayed a few nights in/near some of the places of childhood Virginia Beach. We didn't get to visit children (nurses) at King's Daughters Children's Rehab Hospital. But we've done enough. We flew up to DC to stay near the mall for a week, and I think it was pretty fun, though the flight and hotel expense was a bit much, but I guess we don't have a lot of other bigger expenses. We like cruising as a vacation option. Expenses can be contained pretty well, as long as one tends to be conscious about expenses.